Poetry For Now
Poetry For Now
This episode has 3 poems:
"National Poetry Month" is a humorous poem about poetry book titles.
"Go to the Page with a Heart as open as the Heart of God" takes this title from a line in a book by Elizabeth Stroud.
"Journals" is about what goes into our journals and where they all go!
Welcome - Here in the USA April is NATIONAL POETRY MONTH
so I cannot think of a better title for this episode 21 of season 2.
Its my time to compose a poetry book
What is the recipe? said the cook
Maybe pick an unusual title
Like making a surprising trifle
Looking at the library’s poetry pile
these book titles made me smile.
Listen carefully please
Here’s a few Titles picked out for you
line 1 is really true
line 2 is my new view
1. Shine your icy crown
2. don’t slip and frown
1. Live oak and moss
2. use lichen to floss
1. Falling towards the moon
2. Space tourists coming soon
1 Angels of Ascent
2. Giving up death for Lent
1. Still life with two dead peacocks and a girl
2. Two herons and an alligator in a whirl
1. Like falling through a cloud
2. Sky diving is very loud
1..Holy moly carry me
2. waiting for my new knee
So Martin’s book title is:
Milking the cow
or should it be
Poetry for Now!
(Advice given in Elizabeth Stroud’s book “my name is Lucy Barton”
As I sit quietly on the bench
Absorbing these words
the shiny black grackle
with iridescent turquoise wings
and piercing yellow eyes
struts in close to me
asking for a seed, or three
Noticing the gardenia bud
discarded on the grey deck
instead of about to blossom
I wondered if he was guilty
removing each bud one by one.
Those simple white blooms
with the intoxicating aroma
carry me across the world,
the sweet smells of gardenias
and night flowering jasmine,
to the holy marble courtyard
Of the ashram in India
where we are so easefully drawn
into the open heart of God.
Appearing and disappearing
before our eyes:
Wars and wildfires,
death and destruction
floods and hurricanes.
Yet here we sit
in our protected and connected world,
praying and chanting,
across wires, airwaves and wifi.
Praying for peace
talking about food
Sharing memories
of good times.
I have given up
how human beings
forgetting their humanity
can so easily, so quickly
hunt and kill each other.
I pray
that compassion returns
that contentment and gratitude
awaken in everyone’s hearts
and love and respect
rise again with each dawn.
As the pen runs dry
on the very last page.
this journal is complete
to be sent to that place
the place where 50 years
of thoughts and words
remain forever in many books,
different sizes, colors and shapes
memories of countries and cultures
people and changing relationships
times of joy, sadness,
boredom and adventures
The best moments - the special experiences
experiences of insights and awareness
On top of the mountain
walking through the swamp
On the beaches
Through ancient forests.
With wild creatures
turtles, tortoises
Pelicans and skimmers
tolerating my presence.
Sitting in the pure silence
opening my heart to the great spirit
moments and experiences to hold forever
a citizen of this earth
beyond religion
forever grateful.