Poetry For Now


Martin Strasmore Season 2 Episode 25

Relationships only truly succeed when we breakthrough the barriers, the walls that divide and separate us.  Some of these poems are inspired by Robert Frost's line "Who doesn't love a wall!".   Two poems are inspired by those first unique experiences we have in our lives, particularly as a parent.

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Episode 25 - WALLS 

Relationships only truly succeed

when we breakthrough the barriers, the walls that divide and separate us.


There is a first day for many events

Being born is the first of many special days

Many of which I cannot remember 

The firsts I do remember changed my life.

Meeting my spiritual guide,

Marrying my wife,

Watching the birth of our daughter

holding her tiny body 

against my beating heart.

Soft warm skin,

No wall between us.

34 years later

celebrating her marriage.

Grateful that I am a father

aware that so many other parents

are suffering losing children 

in shootings, wars and famines.

I want to celebrate PEACE,

the first day when there is no war 

when all the violence stops,

when all voices are heard.

With open doors, 

Not broken walls.


Inspired by Robert Frost


Walking across the north of England

I admire beautiful stonewalls. 

Built by farmers centuries ago 

keeping cattle and sheep on their land.

Walking through Devil's Den 

in Weston Connecticut

rough wild unkept woods 

where charcoal makers did their work 

leaving the remains of stonewalls.

New England stonewalls are a place 

to put stones removed from stony ground 

so farms can be plowed and planted. 

Who doesn’t love a wall?


we move inside

walls surround us.

walls protect us.

Walls hide us from one another 

which we sometimes appreciate.

We can hang art on walls

or keep it under the bed.

Who doesn’t love a wall?

English walls are red bricks

plastered over

 to be painted white

1850 CT farm house Walls 

are wood and plaster

filled with old newspapers

and a pewter milk jug.

Florida walls are

solid cement and metal studs,

no wood studs to screw into.

These walls frustrate

attaching the towel rack

that won’t fall down

at the slightest pull.


Who doesn’t love a wall?


It’s all mixed up.

Protection, oppression

Friendship, enmity

love, hate

generosity, jealousy .

Walling walls

Border walls

Church walls

Climbing walls.



Keeping In

Keeping out

Testing skill and courage.

Thick submarine walls 

taking you down.

Thin Airplane walls

taking you up.

Who doesn’t love a wall?


Each first is opening to a new experience,

So many firsts in life,

how many can we remember now?

The first bite of solid food, free of mother's milk

The first words understood

the first pet 

The first friend 

The first day in school

The first day leaving home

The first real job

The first romance

The first and only marriage.
