Poetry For Now


Martin Strasmore Season 2 Episode 11

It is over 2 months since Kassandra and returned from Colorado, and only 1 week since we returned from Europe.   This podcast completes our National Park odyssey.  I am left feeling I want more time in South Eastern Colorado, so we will return to explore more.  Please visit my website to see images that complement these poems. (www.thewalkingpoet.net)

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Season 2 Episode 11  COLORADO FINALE

It is over 2 months since Kassandra and returned from Colorado, and only 1 week since we returned from Europe.   This podcast completes our National Park odyssey.  I am left feeling I want more time in South Eastern Colorado, so we will return to explore more.  Please visit my website to see images that complement these poems. (thewalkingpoet.net)


The Cozy Cristiana Guesthouse

with home made cookies.

The Bhakti Chai sold on the street.

Bikes parked unlocked

next to colorful flowerpots

Outdoor restaurants

Interior decorators

Ice cream and outfitters

Free shuttle buses.

We have entered an alternate universe,

in the middle of the wild west.

A flash of lightning, the rumble of thunder

high in the surrounding mountains

give a 5 minute warning

before the deluge of bullet size raindrops.

Early morning before sunrise,

leaving this civilized world 

heading for the hills.

Through the high priced ski resort.

The muddy road leads through aspens,

where the deer family slowly walks by

and a sharp tailed grouse

casually blends in in the dim light.

To the alpine meadows

oranges, violets and flashes of red.

The sun rises over smooth rolling hills

and the winding river below.

Searching for the calendar shot

its too late the flowers are fading fast.

I am happy to watch a butterfly

waking up with sparkling droplets

and golden rays of sun,

starting another perfect 
Rocky Mountain day.


Each step expands

hot sand flows

like golden water

shimmering heat waves

high altitude too

remind me,

don’t push too hard

trying to catch

ant sized people

high on the sand dune


Looking around

surprising golden flowers,

Prairie sunflowers.

pop their heads up.

Wind carved dune edges

create sharp shadows

dramatic patterns.

Every hour of rising sun

reveals new creations,

of sunlight, shapes and shadows.

As sand surfers glide down

the steepest slopes,

while I shuffle and slide

down to the stream.

Fed by the melting snow

of the Sangre de Cristo mountains.

Full sun heat,

no cooling shade,

its time to leave.

What creatures live here?

Ord’s Kangaroo rats

coming out at night 

finding food and water

when we humans 

have left them alone,

once again.


Passing through one street towns

Colorado reveals art

murals tell history

Painted flower boxes

show colorful arrangements

Even a lot of rusting antique cars

reminds me of those sweeping

curving shapes and shiny chrome

when cars were a luxury.

Walsenburg’s "Gallery of Friends"

opens up a new world of understanding,

revealing how a community grew.

Ideals ahead of their time,

off the grid, welcoming all.

Artists gathered together.

Like other dynasties

They rose and fell

leaving behind seeds that feed

so the gallery of friends reveals.

Unexpectedly taken upstairs

there a plethora of works

filling every inch of the walls,

a stunning collection:

brightly colored celebrations of Mexico.

politically inspired somber reminders.

Circles, squares and chairs

Historical photographs by masters,

all worthy of MOMA

Maria Cocchiarelli

tells the stories

how it came to be here,

what it all says

how it speaks.

I leave enlightened

amazed, respectful of how much creativity,

has been displayed in this small space 

in this tiny town,

to open my eyes and heart

to another Colorado.


What could have such a name?

What garden do the Gods create.

One of big red sandstone rocks.

As the light of dawn

turns rocks into jewels

the doe and her fawn

behind me look and chew 

grasses covered in early dew.

Standing still and silent

we connect our souls.

We are tiny creatures

 in this landscape

of God’s garden

of sandstone sculptures.

Thanks for listening. As I just said we are tiny creatures in this landscape of the American West. Yet we have the capability protect or destroy it.  

To see some of my photos of the amazing national parks we visited, The Badlands,Mount Rushmore, Canyon lands, Arches, Mesa verde, Black Canyon of Gunisson and the Great Sand Dunes. Please visit www.thewalkingpoet.net
